About Us
​We are proud of the Prime Used & Rebuilt Autos that we sell.
As well as our dedication to serve the needs of our customers.
This is reflected in the amount of repeat business we receive.
Whether this is your first purchase with us or one of many that you’ve had,
You can count on our dedicated staff to make it the best buying experience possible.
Our customers are our top priority.
Our #1 goal is to provide quality, transparent service without the hassle and pressure that you find at other dealerships.
We are here to bring honesty and integrity to the car-buying experience.
We will employ truth and accuracy in advertising.
We will strive constantly to improve our business methods.
We will stand by a guarantee given with the sale of a motor vehicle.
We will not perform any act to discredit our industry.
We will guarantee the title of every vehicle sold.
We will furnish every purchaser an approved bill of sale.
We will comply with all State and federal laws.
All of our vehicles are hand picked by the owner!