Wiccan High Priestess
Mambo High Priestess of Voodoo
Alternative Medicine Practitioner
Personal Transformation Analysis

Expand the Mind, Feed the Spirit, Heal the Body
Gloria A Kuhstos PhD, MBA, CWS
Ph.D. in Noetic Sciences ~ VIT Inc.
Ph.D. in Metaphysics ~ ULC
M.B.A. Business Management ~ Rochville University
Masters of Zen ~ ULC
C.W.S. In Philosophical Anthropology ~ University of Akron
C.W.S. In Humanistic Psychology ~ University of Akron
C.W.S. In F.E. ~ Lowell Institute At Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (M.I.T.)
C.E.B.M./C.R. In E.B.M./C.R. ~ A.V.S.
Licenses & Certificates:
Licensed Minister ~ Pagan & Secular
Licensed Spiritual Counselor
Licensed to perform marriages ~ State of Ohio & State of West Virginia
Certified Notary Public ~ West Virginia
Certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists
Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Certified Reiki Master/Teacher
Certified Kundalini Reiki Master/Teacher
Certified Tantra Master/Teacher
Concealed Carry West Virginia
NRA Firearms Instructor
NRA Chief Range Safety Officer
Certificate in Modern Recording Techniques
Additional Training:
Cleveland Clinic - Cleveland, OH
US Army Medic Training - US Army - Fort Dix, NJ
Osteopathic Physician Assistant - Dr. Robert M. Stevenson MD/DO - Kent, OH
Paramedic Training - Akron Fire Dept - Akron, OH
OBGYN Surgical Assistant ( Pre op, op, post op ) - Dr. Rein Seiner - Akron, OH
Guidelines for CPR and ECC Science In Service - American Heart Association
Operator First Aid Training - Tactical Operations Consulting, LLC - Stephens City, VA
Certified Range Pistol Instructor - NRA
Certified Chief Range Safety Officer - NRA
Awards Received:
Award Of Excellence, Rochville University
Certificate Of Distinction Rochville University
USA Citizenship Award
Big Sister/Big Brother Of The Year
Certificate Of Appreciation; The Planetary Society (S.E.T.I.)
Participation Certificate; Mars Lander (N.A.S.A.)
Winner Of The Prestigious Artistic Visionary Book Award For;
"The Way Of The Universe"
Interim CEO & Chairperson of the Board Of Directors: Veg Inc.
Founder & High Priestess of the Temple of Vision
Founding Member of The Society of the Unique
Member of A.R.E ( Association for Research and Enlightment)
Member of IONS ( Institute of Noetic Sciences )
Member of SPR ( Society of Psychical Research )
Member of The Order Rosæ Crucis
Member of Ordo Templi Orientis
Member of The Prieuré de Sion
Member of MPS ( The Masonic Philosophical Society )
House Psychic: The Masonic Lodge; Lakewood, OH
Rochville University, Student Council
Advisory Board: Edu Tek College
Advisory Board: A.B.O.L. Learning Center
Advisory Board: The Akron Institute
Advisory Board: National Institute Of Technology
Member of N.A.P.W. ( National Association of Professional Women )
Ahima ( American Health Information Management Association )
Lauricidin Health Professionals Network
Streetsboro Alumni Association
B.M.I. (Broadcast Music, Inc.)
Sony Corporation Of America
Body, Mind Spirit Directory
Reiki Practitioners Directory
Interests & Activities:
Tai Chi Chan, Black Belt.
Karate, 3rd Brown Belt.
Judo, 3rd Brown Belt.
Krav Maga

I come from a long lineage of Psychics!
My ancestry can be traced to the ancient
Greek & Roman Oracles of Delphi, Dodona & Didyma
I have had a gift all of my life!
Stemming back to my very early childhood,
I was able to sense and see things before they happened!
I use many different tools to tap into The Universe and it's answers.
I am the only one in the World with the ability to read the
"The Way of The Universe Symbols"
My reading are a combination of:
psychic abilities
and common sense
My Gifts Are:
* Precognition ~ 99%
( knowledge of a future event or situation )
* Clairvoyance ~ 99%
( power to see objects or events that cannot be perceived by the senses )
* Remote Viewing ~ 99%
( the ability to gather information about a distant or unseen target )
* Retrocognition ~ 98%
( perception of something that has happened in the past )
* Empathy ~ 92%
( identification with and understanding of another's situation )
* Channeling ~ 90%
( convey messages from a spiritual guide )
* Telepathy ~ 90%
( communication between minds by some means other than sensory perception )
My accuracy rate is 97.34%
I am the Psychic that other Psychics call for advice