The Temple of Vision
Back in my day when dealing with my ex husband you are the one who helped me get through it. You are the one who told me I would be a Mom of 2 kids one day. I have 2 Boys now. You were always there for me. I stopped calling after awhile because I didn't want to be a bother, especially when you never charged me for your guidance. I have never forgotten you which is why my own guides lead me back to you yesterday. I wanted to share a update with you without bugging you over the phone. I went to the store I thought he cashed the check at and it was a dead lead. Not bugging you for a new one, just wanted to let you know that I thought I had him, and I didn't. Now it's a waiting game for him to slip up
Just wanted to let you know it was my neighbor like you said ~ Nicole
I really enjoyed the reading and I will definitely take the advice for when my other half gets moody.
I will give her time and space, then come back lol.
The reading was enlightening and very helpful
thank you very much! ~ Jay D
Very quick to respond and dead on with an understanding of my current situation.
Absolutely amazing. such fast and wonderful insight.
She was able to clarify some things to give me confidence in my decision and how to spant time and energy n life and love.
I will be in touch.
thank you so much.
God bless you! ~ Andy
I have never had a better, more accurate, more specific and honest and helpful reading in my life.
I tried other psychics in the past, but she read my situation right away.
She could see my past, present and future in a way that was truthful and very profound.
She told me exactly what it is I needed to hear that helped me more than anyone has been able to in a very long time.
Always very clear and soothing as always.
Thank you so much ~ Kassy
Thanks for speaking with me.
You definitely put my mind at ease about Nick.
I definitely don't feel like a hopeless cause anymore.
Now, I am just experiencing the anxiety of having to wait for him to come back to me.
That's the hardest part.
I just want him to consider me HIS!
After that, I'd endure anything for him, just as long as I can be his!
Patience isn't my strongest characteristic, but you at least fortified me and renewed my strength and determination to persevere, anyway.
Any advice on how to be patient? LOL
I will update you as things develop. Blessings ~ Jane
Thank you so much for our readings this week !!!
We absolutley loved them !!!
You have an amazing gift ~ Cortney
Just wanted to let you know I was offered a supervisor job at a new hospital and I accepted the job :)
You were right !!!!
An awesome reading.
I felt very connected to this advisor..
She is gifted but also grounded and very caring with genuine interest in my concerns.
I definitely recommend her and will speak with her again.
Thank you so much ~ Member116036
As always, thank you for being so honest, caring, and supportive.
I know you always look out for your callers and want what's best for us.
It's good to know that I can always trust what you say and know that you would never steer me wrong.
I know even when I hear the bad news from you, (the stuff we don't like/want to hear) you're telling me to protect me from future disasters.
Can't thank you enough!!! From the bottom of my heart,
thank you for always being there! ~ smalllove25
You want the hard facts, you'll get it!
Thanks for the "wake- up call!"
I'll write again when I meet the next potential woman! ~ Popnecker
I wish to apologize for my rude behavior and attitude.
You took me as a new client in the spur of the moment, because you could see I was suffering.
You did nothing wrong and tried your best to help me.
You were kind and considerate to me explaining things to me in a calm manner.
You told me the truth as you saw it, and I didn't like the answers.
I acted like a spoiled child, I was yelling at you, and walked out in the middle of the reading.
I came to you for help, and my interaction with you was awful!
I didn't want to see, or hear the things that you told me about my life and the people in it, all because of my stupid ego!
I am having problems taking responsibilities for what has happened in my life.
I need to look in the mirror at my life and do something about it.
I am going thru some personal issues, and I vented on you!
I wish I could just go back in time and completely erase all that I said to you.
It was a mindless, thoughtless thing to do to such a kind-hearted person.
Please forgive me ~ Ashley Moore
I met you at the Cuyahoga County Fair in Aug 2009.
You told me I'd have a new job and live near water.
You were right.
I now live in Orlando and have been in a new job since June 2010.
Thanks. ~ Kathy Kaltenbach
I really didn't want to hear what she had to say, but I NEEDED to hear it.
She tells it like it is; she doesn't say what she thinks you want to hear.
Very accurate, very compassionate, very sweet lady.
HIGHLY recommend! ~ KimV
Samhain is a gracious loving lady, who holds a gift of knowing beyond comprehension.
Medium extraordinaire...
God bless. ~ NAnA
AWESOME! You are so full of information for me that I had to stop taking notes and save some for my next visit.
What an EXCELLENT READER you are, and it's absolutely wonderful to have you in my corner...
Always a DELIGHTFUL pleasure to talk with you and SHARE in your AWESOME gifts and insights.
Thank you for Everything you have done for me and for all the knowledge that you have imparted to me.
This is such an exciting time in my life for me...
I really love the spiritual life that I am enjoying now.
It is absolutely awesome to me.
God Bless you and keep you happy, healthy and safe. ~ by a Yahoo! Local User
I absolutely loved her! Funny, clear, direct and an incredibly talented psychic.
Samhain is now added to the top of my list of favorites.
I plan on being a long-time repeat client.
She is one of the very best I have found in a long time.
Thank you. ~ Eve
When I need the "TRUTH" I call Samhain.
She is authentic, honest and accurate.
She delivers the message with clarity, ease and so much detail.
When I get stuck and need answers she is the one I consult, she gives me so much information with a knowing that is nothing short of remarkable.
SHE IS THE BEST, I have seen every one of her predictions come to pass without fail.
I am in awe of her abilities.
Talking to her is a must!!!
You will not be sorry.
WOW, you truly are one of a kind !!
THANK YOU :-) ~ EnchantedWitch
Excellent reading ...very accurate..things she could not have known she told me.
Give her a call very gifted!
Thank you. ~ Sistah Maria
Fantastic reading. Samhain is emphatic, honest and dead on.
Wonderful to work with and if you haven't called yet, I highly suggest doing so.
Can't wait to work with you again. ~ Sekhmet
WONDERFUL, Advisor, thank you for your kind and Very Accurate predictions.
You were totally right about the new car and the trip even to the week.
Your honesty adds to your integrity, you tell me what I need to know not what I need to hear!
Give yourself a treat and call her!
So Recommended!! ~ Ciro Circe
Thank you for the follow-up reading, full of insights, predictions & empowering words.
You predicted last time that my estranged sister will finally contact & reunite w/ the family & about an upcoming wedding, YOU NAILED IT AGAIN!
You always give your 110% of your professionalism, honesty & intuitive insights.
Thank you once again for being here for me.
I will be in touch soon. ~ Lady Enchantress
Samhain, you are truly a gifted and wonderful advisor.
Your predictions have always come to pass and I feel so privelaged to speak with you.
You were right, again.. It happened today just as you said it would.
Thank you so much for clarifying the situation.
I highly recommend. ~ Gabrielle Taylor
Wonderful, caring, consistent, highly gifted lady!!!
I have consulted with Samhain for a very long time now, and she has accurately predicted quite a number of events that have taken place in my life.
I am looking forward to her new predictions unfolding.
Many blessings to you ~ Lady Dana
Thank you, I just really wanted someone to be honest with me about this work thing.
That why I called you.
Thank you so much! ~ SunEarthMoon
Samhain is always helpful.
She has a way of Knowing exactly what is happening with me.
That is why she is on my favorites list.
Highly recommended ! ~ HalliCat
Samhain, you are compassionate and kind and gifted with the ability to calmly and smoothly dispense good news as well as "not so good news" delicately to your customers.
You are able to help me to maintain my positivity and gave me wonderful suggestions that I can use to help my special friend.
And even though we cover lots of information, it's almost never enough time for me because time truly flies when we talk.
Minutes seem like seconds and so on.
In addition when your healing abilities kick in they calm my spirit, soul and worries.
Thank you. ~ Spain5
She is a MUST CALL she picked up on everything so quickly and accurately that I was AMAZED.
If you need help or advice she is the best I was so overwhelmed before I talked to her that I wasn't sure where to turn
She helped me clear the clutter off the path and see it clearly .
There are just not enough stars to give her THANK YOU SOO MUCH
I will definitely call again for anything life might throw my way. ~ Mysticsdream
Samhain, I am coming back to let you know your prediction last 2 months ago has came to past.
I didn't believe you at the time but you proved me wrong.
I just about to meet the man of everything you said about him.
Will take your advice and let the universe unfold.
He is a good man, take it slow, he needs heeling.
Thank you I will let u know how this work out for us... ~ ASIAN BEAUTI1
Samhain always gives so much insight into people and situations I ask about.
It is a pleasure speaking with her, and I am always filled with gratitude for the details and insight i learn from talking with her
many thanks !! ~ Happynow
Web Reviews:
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I was fortunate to choose you for advice. You were open, considerate and thoughtful. You spoke to me honestly and without judgement. You have my respect and my deepest thanks. I will not hesitate to contact you again. Samhain gives me the validation and encouragement needed. She is truly gifted and understands the situation at hand, giving candid advise without any sugar coating. I thank her for her love, support and encouragement! In the past 5 years I don't know what I would have done without your help...
When I need the "TRUTH" I contact Samhain... She is authentic, honest and accurate. She delivers the message with clarity, ease and so much detail... When I get stuck and need answers she is the one I consult, she gives me so much information with a knowing that is nothing short of remarkable...Thank you for all your help
I really didn't want to hear what she had to say, but I NEEDED to hear it. She tells it like it is; she doesn't say what she thinks you want to hear. Very accurate, very compassionate, very sweet lady. …
Psychic Samhain ~ thank you for your review
Samhain is a gracious loving lady, who holds a gift of knowing beyond comprehension.
Medium extraordinaire.
God bless.
Just read her beautiful book, Samhain, with an excellent message. Samhain presents balance in and with all life as a guide to help us maintain our spiritual, physical, emotional and tangible growth. I hope … more
I absolutely loved her! Funny, clear, direct and an incredibly talented psychic. Samhain is now added to the top of my list of favorites. I plan on being a long-time repeat client. She is one of the very best … more
Tom A
You hit it on the mark once again! I'm so happy seeing these predictions happening just as you said they would. I truly am excited about all of these exciting changes. Samhain is a true gifted advisor. … more
you are SOOOOOOO friekin' scary... the stuff you know is UNBELIEVABLE. I don't call many advisors, except a few I REALLY trust who have proven themselves accurate (and the occasional listing that catches my eye now and then for "entertainment purposes only") I love how your predictions come true, and that you also provide tools, and a way to handle the situations, in a way that goes beyond "friendly advice". Its the kind of insight into proper action that only a true psychic can give :)
Halcyon Charties
We wanted to thank you for coming up and helping us with our little ghost problem...You were most informative! The Ouija that you brought up and loaned us, speaks to us often! We can not thank you enough for your time a patience...and answering our questions about the paranormal…We also thank you for blessing our Temple....much love and many blessings dear sister…your friends of Halcyon Temple
Psychic Samhain ~ Love you guys...keep up the great work!
WONDERFUL VISIT !!! Samhain is just fantastic! I am very happy with her readings and her accurate description regarding my situation. I am very confident in her abilities. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I WILL BE CONTACTING YOU AGAIN!
Your friend09112008
I really appreciated your consultation on my thoughts on what I was considering. It is so nice to have a "true sister". I will heed your advice and I am sure you are correct in this matter. Must say … more
A Yahoo Local User03042008
Thank you so much Samhain. Always a pleasure to talk with you. Such an honest, direct and excellent reading of the truth. No sugar coating and I like that but delivered with professionalism and true caring! Definitely a must call advisor if you really WANT THE TRUTH. A million stars!
so amazing. Just awesome! Thank You